% TRAINING CODE clear all close all load('F.mat'); % Load the dataset F load('N.mat'); % Load the dataset N load('O.mat'); % Load the dataset O load('S.mat'); % Load the dataset S load('Z.mat'); % Load the dataset Z F = F(:,1:50); % Select part of the dataset F N = N(:,1:50); % Select part of the dataset N O = O(:,1:50); % Select part of the dataset O S = S(:,1:50); % Select part of the dataset S Z = Z(:,1:50); % Select part of the dataset Z Fs = 173.61; % Defining the sampling frequency N_shift = length(F); % Definig a variable to hold the length of the dataset frequencies_shifted = (linspace(-pi*Fs, Fs*(pi - (2*pi)/N_shift), N_shift) + (Fs*pi)/(N_shift)*mod(N_shift, 2))'; % Compute the shifted frequencies for clarity in analysis ffft = fft(F); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset F ffft = fftshift(ffft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis nfft = fft(N); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset N nfft = fftshift(nfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis offt = fft(O); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset O offt = fftshift(offt); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis sfft = fft(S); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset S sfft = fftshift(sfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis zfft = fft(Z); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset Z zfft = fftshift(zfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis train = [sfft,ffft,nfft,offt,zfft]; % Creating a matrix of the fourier transformed datasets [U,SS,VV] = svd(train,'econ'); % Find the eigenvectors of the train matrix train_weights = U' * train; % Calculating the weights for each eigenvector to represent the train matrix figure % Use the Third EigenFFT for the 26 Hz signal plot(frequencies_shifted,abs(U(:,3))) % Plot the eigenfrequencies title('Eigenfrequency') % set the title of the plot xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') % set the x-label of the plot ylabel('Amplitude') % set the y-label of the plot axis([-120 120 0 0.12]) % set the axis limits
load('F.mat'); % Load the dataset F load('N.mat'); % Load the dataset N load('O.mat'); % Load the dataset O load('S.mat'); % Load the dataset S load('Z.mat'); % Load the dataset Z F2 = F(:,51:end); % Select part of the dataset F N2 = N(:,51:end); % Select part of the dataset N O2 = O(:,51:end); % Select part of the dataset O S2 = S(:,51:end); % Select part of the dataset S Z2 = Z(:,51:end); % Select part of the dataset Z ffft = fft(F2); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset F2 ffft = fftshift(ffft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis nfft = fft(N2); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset N2 nfft = fftshift(nfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis offt = fft(O2); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset O2 offt = fftshift(offt); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis sfft = fft(S2); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset S2 sfft = fftshift(sfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis zfft = fft(Z2); % Computing the Fourier transform for the dataset Z2 zfft = fftshift(zfft); % Shifting the Fourier transform for clarity in analysis test = [sfft,ffft,nfft,offt,zfft]; % Creating a matrix 'test' to hold all the fourier transformed datasets test_weights = U' * test; % Find linear combinations of the eigenvectors to represent the test matrix counter = 0; % Initializing the variable counter for l=1:length(test_weights(1,:)) % Sweeping through the test_weights matrix % Using 51 eigen transforms we get 88.4% accuracy [dist,index] = min(vecnorm(test_weights(:,l) - train_weights(:,1:51))); % Computing the euclidian distance between the test and train sets if l <= 50 && (1 <= index) && (index <= 50) % Defining thresholds for accuracy calculation counter = counter + 1; elseif (51 <= l) && (51 <= index) counter = counter + 1; end end accuracy = counter / length(test_weights(:,1)) * 100 % Computing the accuracy and printing it in the Command Window
accuracy = 88.4000